Brillouin Energy is engaged with leading scientists and national labs, to help in its efforts to advance the development of its CECR heat generation process technologies, Isoperibolic (“IPB”) Hydrogen Hot Tube™ (HHT™) reactor systems and industrial prototypes.
Since 2010, independent engineers, scientists and researchers have confirmed heat effects produced by the company’s CECR process technologies in well over 100 experiments and test reviews, run on an independent basis. This has especially included SRI International.
Brillouin began a formal Research Agreement with SRI International in Menlo Park, California in August of 2012, and concluded the Agreement six years later on July 31, 2018, when SRI closed all of its energy research facilities due to changing procurement requirements it has with the U.S. Federal Government. During the six-year term of the Research Agreement, SRI’s senior scientists in charge of its LENR research program, Dr. Michael McKubre and Dr. Francis Tanzella, plus several other associate colleagues were of great assistance to Brillouin in advising on the design of optimized calorimetry systems, independent verification and validation of Brillouin’s evolving test results, and a variety of other senior scientific and engineering research functions. This ultimately led to the completion of three consecutive SRI Technical Progress Reports on the scaling results of Brillouin’s CECR technology.
Following on to its prior work of its 2016 test reviews and independent test results, throughout 2017, SRI International continued its extended review of the scaling efforts of Brillouin Energy’s four Isoperibolic HHT reactor test systems, including 34 individual test cores that were run in those systems. During 2017, Brillouin was able to raise the average of its coefficients of performance (COPs) to a range of between 1.5X to 1.6X, over any error bars. In addition, higher average run-rate temperatures and higher excess heat over an average of five watts (power gain) were repeatedly produced in the company’s peak tests. More precise calorimetry and greater operating control was further confirmed in each test system. The fact that LENR heat was independently validated with positive COPs is significant in light of the accuracy of the calorimetry, the consistent repeatability of their production, their controllability, and the reproducibility and refinement of their manufacturing techniques, specifications, and components, all leading to the same repeated results. Similar progress continued during the first seven months of 2018, up to the end of the SRI Research Agreement contract period. This stub period is the subject of the final SRI Technical Progress Report that does a review of the overall final 30 months of intensive testing and scaling efforts.
SRI Technical Progress Reports*
2016 2017 2018
*These Reports summarize all of the data and conclusions from SRI International’s final 30 months’ worth of testing of Brillouin Energy’s IPB HHT CECR reactor systems. At the conclusion of the SRI Research Agreement on 7/31/18, Dr. Tanzella retired from SRI and went into private practice as a senior scientific consultant. Dr. McKubre had previously retired from SRI. Both Dr. Tanzella and Dr. McKubre have since joined the Brillouin Energy Technical Advisory Board, and continue to assist us directly, working on the same kinds of technical research and scientific and engineering advisory work.
In summary, information collected from Brillouin Energy’s experimental tests have been corroborated by data checks from independent engineers or physicists demonstrating that its proprietary Q-Pulse™ electronic pulse generator produces excess heat when carefully applied to its engineered nickel core on demand and in repeatable amounts. Excess heat is the amount of thermal energy stemming from the CECR process, which exceeds the original energy used to drive the proprietary Q-Pulse™ electronic pulse generator and its associated electronics.
Brillouin Energy’s test results are continuing to grow with material increases in overall thermal heat output as our technical Team continues to refine the engineering physics of the company’s CECR process technologies. Beyond the data and graphic outputs presented here on our website, which we will continue to update, the more detailed data from all of Brillouin Energy’s tests run at its facilities to date, and related comprehensive background, are available for review under customary NDA. Interested investors, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), licensees, strategic partners or engineering representatives who wish to engage in further due diligence in these regards should contact: info “at”, whereupon the Company’s CFO will then be in touch to provide more information.